Technology, Gaming, and Stuff


What do I hold reign over? Not much, but it is what it is. Buckle up, this is gonna be quick.

So, how did I get here? Well, it all started in San Jose, California. I was born there and lived there through about second or third grade. After that I moved with my family to glorious Washington. We first lived on the west side of the state, moved to the east side of the state, and moved back to the west side of the state where I lived until I finished elementary and high school. Toward the end of high school I had the opportunity to go to Taiwan two times. For better or worse, I was also a member of the high school Knowledge Bowl team. I played hockey for a few years too. Anyway, then the family moved back to the east side of the state and I followed. Then I started taking classes at Columbia Basin College. Then I decided to work full-time at's Kennewick Call Center as a Technology Specialist. After a stint there, I decided I wanted to go back to school. However, before continuing my education at WSU, I took a month to travel around China with a couple friends and my younger brother. I then started taking classes at WSU Tri-Cities, so here I am - A Washington resident and WSU student who likes Bay Area professional sports teams.

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