Technology, Gaming, and Stuff

About Me

I'm currently a senior in the Digital Technology and Culture program at WSU and plan to graduate with my BA this spring (May 2011). Usually the Digital Technology and Culture program needs some explanation, so I'll give it here. It's an inter-dicsiplinary program that incorporates Computer Science, Fine Art, Graphic and Web Design, Humanities, and other technoculture-centric courses specific to the degree program. Personally, I have found this to be a fulfilling degree program because I feel like I should have the knowledge to do anything or be able to discuss any topic with some level of confidence. Less than halfway through what should be my final semester, I feel that my skillset has grown thanks to being pushed to work on things that I probably wouldn't have motivated myself to do in my free time. While I don't necessarily aspire to get a web design related career, I do actually feel like I can confidently start down that path if I decide to. I have explored jobs with various Internet and technology companies and web design/coding skills will be a definite benefit.

Anyway, outside of my recent adventures through the college system, I have a general interest in technology, history/anthropology, writing, world travel (particularly East Asia), baseball (SF Giants - since the Will Clark days), hockey, and a bunch of other things that aren't coming to mind as I type this.

Would you like to know more? Check out the mini-biography, which briefly notes how I got to the east side of Washington and why I have this seemingly strange Bay Area sports bias. Or, if you just want to know where I've worked and what not, hit the ol' resume link.

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