Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future
Solutions Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future
Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future

Home Turbine Small Wind Turbines

Wind is also a common, but less attractive solution due to the relatively low and inconsistent power output of wind turbines. This is not due to an inherent flaw in the technology, but the need for certain wind conditions and precise turbine placement. Unless installed in areas with consistently high winds, small turbines are best suited to supplement another solution.

Fuel CellOn-Site Fuel Cells

Fuel cell for home or business energy production are very uncommon, but have recently been popularized by the company Bloom Energy. Fuel cells offered by Bloom Energy allow for quick installation and easy expansion, but unlike solar and wind solutions, fuel cells rely on external (and fossil) fuel sources. Although generation is distributed, this solution requires reliance on external sources.

Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future

Home Solar PanelSolar Panels

Relatively common and inexpensive, solar panels are what most people think of when alternative energy or distributed energy generation is mentioned. While it is not the only option, it is currently one of the most understood and effective solutions for small scale energy generation.
