Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future
Benefits Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future
Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future

While this isn't something that will immediately cure all the energy related issues that affect individuals, business, and nations, distributed energy generation does provide a number of benefits that make it attractive on several levels.

Individuals and businesses who install distributed energy systems can see a positive effect on their budgets. While initial costs are high, users of these systems should see reduced, if not eliminated, electricity bills. Additionally, users are not reliant on the ability of the local or regional utility companies to supply electricity at all times. This may be helpful in times of increased load on the overall grid, weather related power outages, and other disruptions to the wider grid. There is also the potential to have an effect on carbon emissions by using green power sources rather than fossil fuels that tend to drive to centralized grids.

In a more transformative context, distributed energy generation can bring electricity to areas that are either too remote or hazardous for a traditional power grid. War torn or remote areas of the globe can get access to electricity using these systems. Considering the limited construction involved, these systems can be deployed quickly and upscaled as demand grows. Additionally, these areas will not have to contend with pollution that often come with traditional power generation.
