Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future
Home Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future
Distributed Energy Generation: An Alternate Energy Future

Since the early 1900s, the world has witnessed changes such as the rise and evolution of personal automobiles, the advent of air travel, journeys into outer space, the proliferation of digital computers, and the rise and fall of entire republics. However, electricity distribution as most of us know it today has essentially remained the same.

Although the equipment has been upgraded, the same limitations and flaws present in the centralized electrical systems and infrastructure that took hold in the early 1900s continue to hamper us today. In recent decades, America and other industrialized nations have fallen victim to widespread blackout, brownouts, energy shortfalls, and rising costs due to this fixed and centralized power distribution system.

Fortunately, an alternate solution to our existing power grid and generation system exists. Although this website doesn't presume to offer a definitive solution to these increasingly common and critical energy problems, it does discuss distributed energy generation as a potential future solution that can be implemented today.

The core concepts behind the generation and transmission of electricity are solid, but the world has changed dramatically while the distribution of electricity has changed very little. Let's consider a step toward an alternate energy future.
